Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Yes, Im Screwed Thank You For Reminding Me!

We're in a recession whoopdy doo daa, so far Im not finding it too tough. Alls ticking along, still earning a few quid,paying the bills as the fella says. Its not so bad seeing less items of bling about to remind me of how well I'm not doing, many cocky twats that were spinning about in finance plan BMW's, SUV's and other fancy dan motors seem to have hung up their keys for the time being. Suddenely its no longer shameful to be seen eating a packed lunch. That is of course without being on some new fad diet of course. Bragging doesn't seem to be as contagious as it was in recent times. I haven't heard much aboout around the world trips or holidays in six star hotels of late. Being flash is suddenely vulgar. So it's not all doom and gloom.
People are talking a lot about "The Recession", so much so that I think everyone is sick of hearing about the big R. Not me I could listen to it all day without feeling the need to book therapy sessions. One thing I cannot stand are people who feel the urge to remind you of how difficult life could get, for you (as in you personally not you as society in general) just in case you weren't aware of it.
Such conversations or more appropriately prophesies of doom normally begin, for me, with a casual query of 'so how are things for you?' type question. If I stay calm and reply with a non descript 'yeah things are ok nothing to worry about yet thank god' I seem to provoke an urgent response warning me of doom. "Well you know next year things are going to be so tough, I mean work is drying up, all businesses are going to fail, we are all going to be jobless and bankrupt?"
So how does one respond to a random aquaintance predicting one's imminant downfall. Well up to recently I personally chose the let the eyes glaze over and give a protracted yeah followed by a frown and a couple of hmmm's. No more softly softly my preferred response is the straight line of " Listen just because you are in the proverbial shitter and loaned up to your tits and beyond, don't presume that I'm in the same boat ...mate!"
Even last night I found myself sitting beside a woman at an event I was working at. There was only a two minute window that needed some chit chat small talk filler type banter. In those two minutes I managed to ask about how she was enjoying the event with some generic pleasantries about the weather . She on the other hand managed to point out that I am doomed that the industry I work in is collapsing and that I should be very worried if I'm not already. Even presuming Ive got a career change plan ready to go in the new year. When she finished I allowed a brief pause before politely thanking her for pointing this out to me and left in search of the point in the room which was geometrically the furthest point from her.
So to anybody who may have told, or is indeed planning on telling me of how screwed I in fact am, I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude, for without you I could never have failed as well as I have.
Yours Gratefully,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Failure is not an option in 2009...All those prophets of doom and gloom have negativity written all over them. We need to work with, chat with, spend time with positive people.
The law of Attraction states that you will attract like with like. Stay positive and you'll attract good, positive people who don't want to fail....and will adapt to changing situations.
Down with the doom ringers.
That's what I say!